Maxwell Plugin for 3D Studio Max allows you to work very efficient.
-Compatibility: Version 8 (Windows 32 bits), versions 9-2012 (Windows 32 and 64 bits)
-Includes Maxwell FIRE as an ActiveShade renderer
-Fully integrated material editor exposing all the Maxwell parameters for materials embedded in the Max scene
-Supports referenced materials (external MXM files)
-Exports PFlow particles as procedural spheres or instances and legacy particle systems (blizzard, spray etc.) as procedural spheres
-Supports referencing external MXS files containing geometry and materials
-Includes a proxy primitive which can be used to create render instances with low viewport overhead
-Exports deformation motion blur and multi-step movement blur
-Exports Max hair and Ornatrix hair as procedural cones for very efficient hair rendering
-Provides MAXScript access to all the plug-in objects and features